
Image copyright: Raina Ng

Image copyright: Raina Ng

As children we had sat in the crook of a tree, held hands, made vows, sealed them with innocent kisses.

Soon after fate decreed, oh you fickle gods, that our families move apart – hers to China, mine to the prairies in Argentina. And later our families and those gods moved us to vow, oh false vows, to others, and so it was.

Now, fifty years on, with the gods tamed, we have found each other and will meet.

I am first in the room. I sense beauty, energy, joy.

Outside, I hear the slide of silk slipper on polished stone.


Written in response to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ weekly 100 word photo prompt challenge. I dare you!

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67 Responses to Renewal

  1. Dale says:

    Oh you softie you! Lovely; sometimes it takes so very long…

  2. i b arora says:

    there’s always hope, if nothing else

  3. Margaret says:

    Just lovely. I’m so glad they tamed those gods. It can be done. Their remaining years are bound to be idyllic.

  4. Beautiful. I love the last sentence. It’s so full of expectation and promise.

  5. Amy Reese says:

    Here’s hoping for a happily ever after. They deserve it, waiting so patiently. I like the silk slipper on on polished stone. Well done, Patrick.

  6. AnElephant thinks that Patrick is a soppy romantic.
    He loves this!

  7. So sweet – endless love. Love it.

  8. Alice Audrey says:

    How exciting! I want to see what happens once they are together again.

  9. phylor says:

    Love conquers all as they say. Their time together will be even sweeter having seen the world but found each other.

  10. Kalpana solsi says:

    Fifty years is a long time. Hope they still have common grounds to gel with.

  11. Dear Patrick,

    I love a happy ending even if it did take fifty years to get to it. Lovely story.



  12. DeeDee says:

    Beautifully Written

  13. rgayer55 says:

    Okay, so which one of them is going to be disappointed to find that the other has turned into a 400 lb. bovine with no teeth?

  14. This is lovely. I envisage a happy ever after.

  15. Those are some keen ears on that old man.

  16. storydivamg says:

    I like where the prompt took you this week. The story of lost love found again after the second love is gone has a touchstone for me in reality as I have seen several older friends and family members live this story.

    If you don’t mind the feedback, I’d like to point out that the narrator’s voice in this seemed a bit over-dramatic, making the story a bit more dense than necessary. The commonality of the experience is almost lost to me as a reader, and, in my opinion, it waters down a story that should resonate with everyone everywhere.

    But . . . that is just my opinion, and overall, I enjoyed the tale.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail

  17. plaridel says:

    all things considered, it’s all about fate.

  18. I want more. They may have liked to meet in privacy but I want to be a fly on the wall to see either the joy or the disappointment. Well written leaving us wondering.

  19. Lest you think this only happens in fiction, this kind of thing happened to me. Reunited with the love of my life after 27 years of marriage to the wrong man…You wrote my personal story! 🙂

  20. k rawson says:

    Sublime. That is just lovely.

  21. This is beautiful – that’s all I can say.

  22. I hope for a sweet reunion.. or maybe his unknown daughter coming in.. wonderful to think about what happened afterwards.

  23. MythRider says:

    You’re a romantic. Who knew.

  24. ansumani says:

    What if she doesn’t live up to his romantic memory of her young self? Nice story.

  25. “the slide of silk slipper on polished stone”…aaaahhhh so romantic!

  26. Sandra says:

    Such an imaginative mix of cultures – argentinian plains with the gentle chinese customs. Great idea.

  27. Caerlynn Nash says:

    Oh, romance at its finest or tragedy in the offing? Well done. I like that you keep us wondering.

  28. Seems too perfect to me. Maybe she’s horribly disfigured, just to add something to the mix. Nicely done

  29. Horus says:

    Usually time holds too many surprises under the sleeve! Hope love wins over time –

  30. Vinay Leo R. says:

    🙂 I like the open end which leaves me wondering what’ll happen next.

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