Speak to me

Image copyright: Roger Bultot

Image copyright: Roger Bultot

From across the road he watched the roof collapse as the fire did its worst. He felt sorry for the Jones family as they stood around wrapped in blankets watching the firefighters fail to save their home of thirty years; they were nice people.

He knew that if anyone asked how it got started, he would tell them. Why not? But nobody would. They never did. When there was a spate of horse slashing, nobody had asked him. When all those cats went missing, nobody thought to speak to him.

He shrugged, went back inside. Switched on his computer.


Written for Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ weekly 100 word picture challenge. Find it here.

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55 Responses to Speak to me

  1. Dale says:

    Perfectly creepy. Ugh. Will be looking at my neighbours with suspicious eyes…

  2. That was creepy. O_o Talk about disturbed. Some kids who need help are crying for it by causing damage. He would have to be intelligent for no one to suspect. One day it may be in the paper that he injured or killed one or more people.. He probably has no friends, just his computer. So sad. Well done, Patrick. — Suzanne

  3. rgayer55 says:

    If he wants attention all he has to do is marry one of the Kardashians–duh! I guess they haven’t asked him either.

  4. I would imagine he will finally do something to get the attention he craves. A scary thought. Your story took me there!

  5. Jan Brown says:

    Wow. Very creepy, a well told tale. I don’t want to think about how many folks like him might be living in our cities (or our countryside). *Shiver*

  6. amiewrites74 says:

    What a creeper. It makes me wonder who is living in my neighborhood…

  7. Horse slashing? Now that’s not something you here about everyday.

  8. draliman says:

    Great story! That’s one creepy guy. I wonder how much harm he’ll have done in the background by the end of his life?

  9. gahlearner says:

    Yeaugh! Someone is calling for attention loudly here, and never gets it until the big blow up. I’m not sure if this is the same as the narcissistic derangement of the co-pilot of the Germanwings crash (referring to above comments), but there sure are people like this around us, undetected. We don’t need monsters, we have our fellow humans. Great take on the prompt, sorry for babbling.

  10. Sally says:

    They always say it’s the quiet ones we have to watch.

  11. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Patrick,

    Your last line makes me want to turn off my computer. it was the perfect touch to a perfect story. And I agree with many of the commenters about the overlooked in our lives. The quiet ones. The loners. The sad co-pilots lamenting a lost dream. Life is hard enough without them muddying the waters. Very well done.



    • That co-pilot comment is most apt.
      We were in deep English- and wifi-free Italy at the time that happened so missed all the analysis (we followed the pictures in the Italian papers – we’re not totally stupid) of that incident. Tragic and like so often, avoidable. (We tore up out air tickets and walked back from Italy.)

  12. Dear Patrick,

    When will the police learn that it’s those unassuming quiet types you need to watch out for. Very well done.



  13. Sandra says:

    A very creepy character. Even the fact that he’d tell them if they asked makes him seem creepier still.

  14. Yes, the next neighborhood occurrence will be Death by Candy Crush! Nice touch of Hitchcock there.

  15. well, they’ll know who to ask now next time.

  16. Oh.. I guess that some guess will just keep escalating till they are caught.. I wonder if he will search for how to make pipe bombs next.

  17. Jen says:

    Neighborhoods are bizarre things… you captured that perfectly.

  18. ansumani says:

    Chilling story! Nicely done.

  19. Why? Why? Why? You should always question the creepy geek next door … and while you’re at it ….. check the basement for bodies.

  20. storydivamg says:

    Dear Patrick,
    This is so good. I often wonder about the people we overlook. Isn’t it interesting how so few of them really overlook us? A friend of mine who died last week was one of the sweet people who always saw everything but never said much. He used his powers for good, but I am left with the feeling that he died knowing far more than anyone will ever know.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail

  21. This made me want to shout at the computer – “go question him!”

  22. micklively says:

    That’s seriously creepy. Well written.

  23. Sinister. Great character drawn in such a subtle way.

  24. wildbilbo says:

    Nice, dark story. Horse slashing is concerning in a whole unpleasant ‘Equus’ way.

  25. Another chilling story. Well delivered, I wouldn’t want to have him for a neighbor.

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