Murder mystery

I thought it would be in bad taste to kill him in the library. I know a lot of the best literature is about betrayal, jealousy and murder, but it just seemed wrong in our case. After all, getting het up about whether or not the Eagles is a band worth listening to, let alone playing them at our wedding hardly seemed like high drama. Killing in the library should be reserved for debates about who wrote that body of work attributed to Shakespeare, or whether or not we should read Philip Larkin, or whether one can appreciate both Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath.

Perhaps I’ll lure him into the kitchen.

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23 Responses to Murder mystery

  1. Thanks for that. Not sure if she takes it all the way.

  2. That’s some cold calculations. I like her thought process, although pretty creepy.

  3. Kitchen has much better tools as well… but I think bathroom is even better…. great story

  4. elappleby says:

    Hilarious and brilliantly written 🙂 Loved the first and last lines especially.

  5. kdillmanjones says:

    Wonderful! I loved the Hughes/Plath reference.

  6. tedstrutz says:

    Nice one! Welcome to the club.

  7. petrujviljoen says:

    Is it okay to say that I didn’t read your story, don’t like the genre. But of course noted your name and the South African connection. I see from your comment you’re not in SA at the moment. Just thought I’d say hallo.

    • Hmmmmm. I’m really sensitive. How can you not read it? Not sure if it belongs to a particular genre???
      Not in SA but will be in September for glorious time. And hello to you.

      • petrujviljoen says:

        You’ll be okay. Just that I’m sensitive too. Can’t take that kind of story. 🙂 Bly jy nou oorsee? Waar?

        • Manchester, England. Since 1977. Ek praat nog die taal but the kids haven’t a clue.

          • petrujviljoen says:

            I’ve treated you a bit like a home-boy. Hey! A fellow South African! Sommer asking all these questions. Thanks for not minding.

        • I keep in touch by downloading music from the Electricjive blog. Takes me back to my childhood and listening to the music coming from the servant’s shack in the back yard.

          • petrujviljoen says:

            Wrote down the blog. Will get some as well. There used to be a radio station at the far right end of the dial that played Venda music – oh man, then found Philip Thabane and got to know his stuff and even went to a concert of his some years ago in Johannesburg. Some people actually left the auditorium because they couldn’t take that kind of music. Thanks for the link. I used to use the black taxis a lot when I still lived in Jhb and the music got one dancing in the queues. Made the wait more durable. Now in the countryside and miss it a lot.

  8. Dear Patrick,
    I believe welcome to Friday Fictioneers is in order. BTW I have a friend from South Africa with the last name Prinsloo. Not one you hear often.
    Indeed, the murder should be carried out in the kitchen. At least there you can more easily clean the ghastly mess.

    • Thanks. I am from SA way back & retain some links. Re library vs kitchen, I bow to your superior knowledge. I have no experience of these things.
      Until next time.

  9. So funny that this is the third mention of Plath this week. 🙂 But then the kitchen should be about disagreements over cookbooks, recipes and food, don’t you think? Maybe the bedroom? Now you’ve got me wondering which rooms are best for which murders! 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend,


  10. Sandra says:

    A much better idea. Murder is a practical act, not a contemplative one. Well done.

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